Wednesday, 25 September 2013

The last week of training

Well we just left the WBC, we then start driving to Leeds from London and I fell asleep, I then wake up 2 hours later to find out that we're still in London. About an hour to go we start to play eye spy which took everyone about 45 minutes to get what I saw. The week was very good apart from the weather we went down a coal mine which was fun finding out how it has evolved in the mines. We then had a look around a place called east end park which was rough but eye opening too. The next day Johny came up to do some youth work but I was ill so I kissed that, I felt better and got to do some team building games which was fun, we also did a lesson on inter faith which got Muslims and Christians to do things together and understand each other which was fun. Then later that night we had a Swedish night going to ikea for dinner dancing playing games which was  a good laugh. I also learnt how to play two new games which I now want as there awesome. Now getting ready to leave and start the new journey in Eston :) 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

WBC week

Well last week was really nice got to know everyone better. We learnt about the history of the Christian mission and the salvo army, while we were doing the heritage walk. On one of the days we learnt the Old Testament in a day with actions which was really fun. Learning the different stories making our own actions. Then later on  that say we went rock climbing which was so fun, achy arms afterwards. We also learnt about our identity which was cool Learning more about ourselves, we gave everyone wise words of encouragement too. We went to the national art gallery to see some paintings of Jesus which was cool. On the Sunday we went to hillsong church for our worship, I really enjoyed and liked it I wouldn't  go every Sunday as I would need more intimacy with god. Some of us like it and some of us didn't so it was a divided opinion. So this week I've learnt more about myself and how I will grow strong with god and trying to listen to him more and telling me what he wants me to do. I hope you enjoy this blog :)

Monday, 9 September 2013

First bit of essential

Okay then where do i start....The first 3 days at Gilwel park was very nice and fun we got to know eachother and to work as a team we did team activites so much FUN :) we did really well at most of the activites accept the raft building ha well our design was very good shame it sank and broke..we did very well at the rest of the activites cheering each other on but also we got closer to god doing a prayer on the move which we got given tents and had to put them up and down spending time on our own reflecting with god and we did really cool status updates on blackboards with chalk yess like in the stone age and wrote a status update of how we were feeling at that particular time my team stepton which is stepney and eston mixed together at kubb, we watched a film called the life of pi which is an amazing film, we then went to our placements which was very welcoming and meeting the officers and the corps we got taken to frankies and bennies twice not in the same day of course our house is very small but its very homely and nice :) the corps is in a old catholic building so if you go for confesions your going to the loo the surroundings and all the places and towns around look very nice the hills and the sea side too there are alot of factories around we got taken bowling by the dyo of the northern division and met the officers kids then went to the candadates and new officers welcome meeting which was very good then had to come back to london to do some training which was 4 hour train journey and we had to be on a train at half 7 in the morning which im sure some of you like are not really morning people i hate mornings but never the less arrived in london for some more training and today was really nice today learned what it meant to be a disciple and we been shown our time tables over the next week and over the year what we will be getting up to i am with a group of lovely people and the alove team are great but most important of all is that we are all here to learn about god and learn from each other so i am very excited for this up coming year